Cyber Security Services

Strategic Cyber-Security Solutions.

Real Cyber-Security requires more than advanced technical solutions, it takes strategic thinking, planning, monitoring, and decisive action.  Our team of cyber-security experts delivers customized security services and solutions to ensure communication privacy and data integrity for your organization. 

What we offer

Our Services

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Penetration Testing

Advanced Pen testing techniques to test and verify the cyber-security implementation or the organization.

Vulnerability Assessment

Identify devices with known vulnerabilities to mitigate the likelihood of a system becoming compromised.

Firewalls Implementation

We implement next generation firewall solutions from Cisco, Meraki, SonicWall, Juniper, Sophos, Juniper, WatchGuard.

Passwords best practice

And More

We Also Provide

Network Security

Protect the internal network and communication with IPS\IDS, VPN, Email Encryption systems.

Cyber-Security as a Service

We provide the technology, implementation, monitoring, and management of IT security.

Security Awareness

Strengthen your security technical implementation with employee education and training.

A choice that makes the difference

Why choose JDTech?